Burning Snow

Burning Snow

2h 2min

Lin Jingjing and Xiao Yi of the instrumental music class of the art school were selected to open a hotline for middle school students in a provincial city. Lin Jingjing and Xiao Yi received calls from many students in the class and received a call from Wang Yanyan, a girl from the rural entrance exam who fell in love with male teacher Yu Bin. Class teacher Huang is an absolutely traditional educator. She hates Wang Yanyan's early love. At the same time, her control of her classmates has been met with sarcasm. Depressed and helpless, she also called the hotline.

Burning Snow


Lin Jingjing and Xiao Yi of the instrumental music class of the art school were selected to open a hotline for middle school students in a provincial city. Lin Jingjing and Xiao Yi received calls from many students in the class and received a call from Wang Yanyan, a girl from the rural entrance exam who fell in love with male teacher Yu Bin. Class teacher Huang is an absolutely traditional educator. She hates Wang Yanyan's early love. At the same time, her control of her classmates has been met with sarcasm. Depressed and helpless, she also called the hotline.
    17 June 1993
    2h 2min