The Big Four World Tour Live In HK

The Big Four World Tour Live In HK


Popular singing quartet the Big Four (Canto-pop stars Andy Hui, Dicky Cheung, Edmond Leung, and William So) went on tour in March 2010 beginning at the Hong Kong Coliseum. It is a dream come true for the four friends, who has long wanted to share the stage as a foursome. All of them are alumni of the influential New Talent Singing Awards, and they pay homage to their origin early in the show.

The Big Four World Tour Live In HK


Popular singing quartet the Big Four (Canto-pop stars Andy Hui, Dicky Cheung, Edmond Leung, and William So) went on tour in March 2010 beginning at the Hong Kong Coliseum. It is a dream come true for the four friends, who has long wanted to share the stage as a foursome. All of them are alumni of the influential New Talent Singing Awards, and they pay homage to their origin early in the show.
    28 May 2010